Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 release date is April 12, 2010

March 31, 2010

Finally the day has come. 12th April is the launch date of .NET Framework 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010. VS 2010 Beta 1 was launched on 18th may 2009. After five months Microsoft launched VS 2010 Beta-2 on 21st October 2009.  Microsoft released the Release candidate (RC) Version of VS 2010 on 10th Feb 2010.

Visual Studio 2010’s launch will be accompanied by the release of .Net framework 4.0. The first beta of Visual Studio 2010 was released in May, 2009 in form of a Virtual PC image while the second public beta was released in October,2009. Here is a list of the new features available:

Microsoft has announce the new release date April 12, 2010.
And Visual Studio 2010 also brings:

  • Tools for Windows 7 and SharePoint 2010
  • drag-and-drop bindings with Silverlight and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • The inclusion of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) for programming with scripting languages
  • Parallel programming support

Visual studio 2010 new features

Visual studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 came up with many new features for next generation developers.
Below are the few lists of features that are available with VS 2010
  • Static IDs for ASP.NET Controls
  • Web.config transformation
  • URL Routing and SEO
  • Compressing Session Values
  • MetaKeyword and MetaDescription
  • Generating Client IDs
  • Permanent Redirect

New C# features

  • Dynamic Types
  • Optional parameters
  • Named and Optional Arguments

This are only few list of features, there are many more features available.  Over couple of months I came across many good articles on  Visual studio 2010 and .NET 4.0. Below are few of them. It may help many of guys who are just start working with VS 2010 or Thinking for start with.

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