Mobile App Benefits: 2 Reasons Your Restaurant Needs One - Concept Infoway

Why Your Restaurant Needs A Mobile App

April 26, 2017

Restaurant Needs A Mobile App

Do you own a restaurant? If yes, then you should certainly consider having a nice mobile app for your restaurant. Of the several good reasons, here are two notable ones that would justify why you should have a mobile app for your restaurant:

  • Better Sales
  • Reduced Expenses

Concept Infoway has been in mobile app development business for over 17 years and has a remarkable expertise in restaurant app development. Our mobile application development team in India has vast experience and extensive knowledge in native application development (iPhone app development, Android app development), as well as in Cross Platform application development. No matter how simple or complex your app requirement is, we can deliver it, as per your expectations.

Read about our mobile app development services here.

All right, now let us look at the notable reasons about why you need to have an app for your restaurant.

Reason 1: Better Sales

To be pretty straightforward, having mobile apps for restaurants is an excellent way to improve sales. There are restaurant owners all across the globe who have seen (and are seeing) healthy revenue from the mobile apps.

It is really obvious. Your app will do the work for you and your restaurant staff, allowing your staff more time to be more productive and carry out essential functions like making more food, catering to more tables, or serving more customers. Let your customers do the sales for you with your restaurant mobile app!

Reason 2: Reduced Expenses

It is easy to see how more people ordering with your mobile app will improve sales, but it can be difficult to see how an app will reduce the expenses for your restaurant. Let us explain.

Decrease Labor Costs

Imagine, if your customers are placing orders themselves (through your restaurant app), then you will be freeing your staff from dealing with such a function.

Let us presume that on an average, a phone order takes five minutes. Now, let us take a random example of a restaurant that is getting 2000 orders.

In the absence of a mobile app, such a restaurant will be spending 10,000 minutes (2000 orders X 5 minutes) taking phone orders. That equals to 166 hours or 21 workweeks, considering eight hours a day, Monday to Friday. Now, if you take 21 weeks X $5 per hour at 40 hours per week, it will come to $4,200, excluding taxes. In other words, such a restaurant is spending $4,200+ just for taking orders on the phone. If this restaurant had a mobile app, it could have just saved some substantial amount of money on taking orders!

Eliminate Print Costs

With a feature-rich app, a restaurant can eliminate the printing costs of loyalty program punch cards. A restaurant app can have several loyalty features built into it. Using the loyalty features, the restaurant owner can easily encourage his/her customers to come back for more.

To find more benefits why you need mobile app for your restaurant see here


If you are a restaurant owner, consider getting a nice app for your business. A restaurant app increases sales and also helps reduce expenses. We have an extensive expertise in restaurant app development and can help you with a wonderful app solution for your restaurant.

Get in touch with us today!

Call +91 98250 31415 or write to us at

Also read: Food Fiesta @ Concept Infoway – Discovering the Hidden Chef in Us

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